I was watching television the other day and a commercial came on that immediately caught my attention. It was a commercial sponsored by Dove for the Self-Esteem Fund, encouraging girls of all ages, around the world to be confident in their own skin and proud of their true beauty. In the commercial, there is a little girl who is bombarded by hundreds of images of women in advertisements, commercials, etc. It also points out the affects that it has/could have on girls and why the Self-Esteem Fund is so important. The commercial seriously touched my heart in so many ways and almost made me cry, that I need to share it with others, just in case you haven't seen it yet.
Just before the self-esteem fund, Dove also did a commercial they called Evolution , which showed the "evolution" of a middle-aged woman with no make up on and her hair not "done" transformed into a woman for an advertisement. First, her appearance was changed by make up artists and hair stylists, then technology kicked in. Computers were used to change her face to make it more "beautiful" and "perfect" in an advertiser's eyes. "No wonder our pereception of beauty is distorted," was quoted at the end of the Dove Film. We have become so naturalized by these billions of images that we see all day every day, that we need this subject to be brought to our attention.
I think both of these commercials make extremely important points about beauty image today and the affects and pressures it puts on young women that MUST be recognized by more and more people. Even though the self-esteem fund seems to focus on young girls during the commercial, in my opinion, Dove has always been a great supporter of ALL women and their TRUE beauty. Their commercials have been targeted towards encouraging and inspiring women around the world to be themselves and to realize their own beauty as oposed to trying to be like the impossible images of women that they view every day.
Not only is this a great, positive way to advertise their product, but Dove is showing that they truly care about women today and that they are working towards crushing the ideology of beauty images that have been imbedded into our minds.
I applaud Dove for starting this great Self-Esteem Fund. And, lucky for them, it makes me even more inclined to buy/support their product. :] Now THAT'S what I call good advertising. ;]
16 years ago
I applaud Dove for starting this fund. I know it is an important thing to watch you weight for health reasons but so much pressure is put on girs to be perfect. Society so accept us just they way we are no matter if we have freckles or to heavy or have straight hair. What is important is who we are inside.
I always like Dove commercials and ads. They always have a positive message and they target your AVERAGE girl and woman unlike most clothing or perfume commercials or ads that have stick thin models that most of us can't identify with. I even looked on youtube for different Dove commercials, even ones in different languages, and they all have the same powerful message that the natural "you" is beautiful and you should love yourself how you are. Other ad companies should take lessons from Dove... :)
I love Dove! They have always shown what most girls are - and the average woman is a size 12, not a 0. I'm so happy they started a self esteem fund.. As someone struggling with self esteem issues my whole life, I hope they can find a way to help young girls (and women!) focus on more important things.
I think Dove's ads are great. They always try and do there best to portray a women's "natural beauty," which is almost always not a stick figure. They show young girls that you don't have to be extremely thin, over sexualized, and wear pounds of make up to be beautiful. We also were shown the Evolution commercial in our Women's Studies class and I think it is great for young girls to see that the way women appear in magazines is no where close to what they really look like on an every day basis.
Wow this is a great Ad, I must say I got goose bumps from just watching it and the song is a perfect combination! I think this is inspiring, well done to dove!
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